Monday, October 14, 2019

Focus Determines Reality

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” -Qui-gon Jinn, Star Wars, Episode I

(I know that no one is shocked I would have a Star Wars tie-in.)

As Anakin Skywalker began his journey to becoming a Jedi, Qui-gon Jinn, Jedi Knight, bent down, and shared one of the most profound statements I’ve ever heard. He very simply said to Anakin, “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” Anyone who knows me is not surprised that a column I would write would include the Star Wars reference, but in the days after my diagnosis, this line came into my mind over and over again.

In those first few days, and honestly in the weeks and months after, so many things fought for my focus. Many days as I was focused on my current state of health. How was I feeling today? Were the symptoms better or worse? Was there something new that I could no longer do? How much pain was I in today? Questions, questions, and more questions seeking my attention, with many staying in the forefront of my thoughts.

If it wasn’t the current state of my health, it was my family. What is my wife thinking and how is she coping? How are my kids holding up? Do we need to talk about this more as a family, or is silence the best thing right now? Should I ask them for help, or should I pretend that everything is good? I can’t do this __________ for my family like I use to, what should I do?

If it wasn’t dwelling on family, it was the future. How are we going to pay for this latest medical bill? What are we going to do as my health deteriorates further? How will we pay for all the bills, and for the future care that is needed? Who will take care of me, and who will take care of my family in the coming days, months, and years?

If it was not these things, it was work, ministry, daily chores, and hundreds of other little things. Many days it was easy for some or all of these things to consume my focus. Honestly though, it was often as simple as how I was feeling. Was I in pain? Was I discouraged? Was I having trouble moving? Were my tremors controlled? Was I tired? All of these things were constantly at the forefront of my mind, and many times, these things crowded out what I really needed to be focused on.

Years ago, a Pastor friend shared with me, “Pain is the great confuser.” He could not have been more right. Pain and struggle have the ability to warp our perspective. They have the ability to consume our thoughts and take our energy. They can wear us down and cause us to be very hopeless. Because they are so deeply felt, they can become central to our vision, and cause us to lose perspective on what is really important.

When I am in pain or I am discouraged, sometimes it is all I can focus on. In some ways it becomes my whole world, and all I can see is the struggling and the pain. It consumes my focus, and when this happens, it becomes my whole reality. Everything I see, at that point, is filtered through this new reality. It colors everything I see, and dictates my actions and reactions. It colors what I think and what I feel.

When this skewed perspective occurs, it causes me to lose focus on what is truly important. Instead of seeing the blessings surrounding me, I focus on the negative, and the things that I do not have. Instead of an optimistic outlook, discouragement plagues me. Instead of motivation, apathy takes over.

Most importantly though, when pain and struggle consumed my focus, He is no longer in view. Instead of seeing Him, I see pain. Instead of focusing on him, all I can see is my problems and struggles. Instead of looking to Him, I look to myself and my own strength, which I see is failing. Instead of faith, there is only fear and doubt. When I cease to focus on Him, my hope is gone.

When this happens, my reality is most definitely changed. Instead of reacting out of faith and hope, I react out of doubt, fear, and pain. What is the difference? My circumstances have not changed, only my perspective and focus.

It is so easy for us to lose focus on what is truly important when faced with trials and struggles, but these are the times, that keeping our focus, is most essential. It is during these times that He is most needed. If we lose sight of Him, we lose sight of hope. Hope will keep us going in the face of tragedy. Hope will give us strength, even when pain and fatigue are overwhelming. When He is our source, and He is our focus, our reality will change, and it will change for the better.

What are you focused on? What today is determining your reality? Is it Him? Is it your circumstances? We decide what we will focus on – no one else can determined that for us? So today, where will you choose to place you focus? Always remember, your focus really does determine your reality.

*If you enjoyed this Star Wars themed entry, check out my other blog "Lessons From A Galaxy Far, Far Away". 

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