Sunday, April 4, 2021

Our Pain Has A Purpose

God, why am I walking through this? What good can possibly come out of this? Is there really a reason for this in my life? What possible purpose could the pain I and my family are walking through have? 

Purpose. Meaning. Why. This is something in life we all seek. From our earliest days, the question “Why” is very often at the forefront of our minds. One of the earliest questions my children asked was “Why”. “Why do I need to go to bed? Why do I need to eat this? Why can’t I go play? Why do I need to clean my room?” 

In our house, “Why” quickly became the overriding question in any situation as my children sought to attach meaning to any activity, and this is something that we never really outgrow. For me at least, if I do not see the point or the purpose in something, I often view it as a time waster and something not to be fooled with. 

For me, this has also been one of the hardest aspects of my physical struggle – Lord, why? What is the purpose? What is the reason I am walking through this? What is the point? Basically, what is the purpose for my pain? For if there is no purpose, no point, then why bother even continuing forward? If there is no reason, why should I continue to put myself and my family through this nightmare?

So, God and I regularly have this conversation, as I seek to understand the purpose for my pain. This is more than just curiosity or merely finding out why, but a genuine seeking to see that this experience is not wasted or for nothing. I wish I could say I have all the answers, and I fully understood the purpose of my pain, but the more I seek Him and answers only He can provide, the more I begin to see at least part of the purpose for the pain I and my family am walking through. 

I have watched it grow our family closer together. I have seen it affect my daughter’s choice in careers as she seeks to help others. I have seen our walk as a family shine as a testimony to others. I have met people on the journey we are on and have been able to give them hope that this is not the end. I have seen it grow my faith in Him and refine my heart as a believer. 

On and on this list could go, and I wish I knew all the reasons for this path of pain that He has me on, but each day, I see a little more of the purpose for my pain. When I realize that this pain has a purpose, then it becomes a useful tool not only in my life, but the lives of others, and becomes a testimony of His faithfulness and love in the midst of this struggle. 

What are you struggling to see the purpose in? What pain in your life seems pointless today? Remember, pain is only wasted if we allow it to be. When we rest in the knowledge that our pain has a purpose, it becomes a tool for good, and instead of being wasted, becomes something that benefits not only us, but others. When we allow this to occur, our pain really does have a purpose. 

This is one of my new favorite songs that asks this very same question. I hope it blesses you and reminds you that your pain has a purpose:

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