Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I Am Not Thankful For Parkinson's, but...

Tis the season. It is the time of year (if you can get past all the Christmas stuff already out) that we take time to be thankful. A time of year when we remember and give thanks for all we have, but this year, there is one thing I am not thankful for, and I am not sure I ever will be. I must admit, I am just not thankful for Parkinson’s.

I know, it’s kind of ironic that a post during the “Thankful” season would start off with something I am not thankful for. Don’t get me wrong, I have lots to be thankful for: a wonderful, loving wife, two amazing children, a supportive and amazing family, a home, "toys", funds to pay bills, a great job and ministry, and so much more. This list is just the tip of the ice burg. I could fill a page with hundreds of things I could be thankful for, but I just cannot bring myself to be thankful for Parkinson’s or my other chronic illnesses.

How can you be thankful for something that causes so much pain, so much discouragement, so much frustration, and so much uncertainty for the future. I have had to make awful decisions in the face of this disease, and I have watched my family walk through pain and discouragement, and I am unable to fix it for them. How in the world could I be thankful for this?

As hard as this year has been, and as unthankful as I am for Parkinson’s, I do have many things from this past year that I can be thankful for. I am thankful that this last year, I have begun once again to see what is truly important. So often we get so caught up in insignificant things that we lose sight of that which is most important, and this year I have been reminded what really is important in life.

This last year, I have let go of many frustrations and aggravations, and realized they are not worth my time and energy. Some things that use to upset me and frustrated me just are not worth the time and energy.

This last year, I have realized how unintentional I can sometimes be in life. I have not taken time for the things I should, and not been intentional in how I lived and interacted with others. I have not made time for what is most important, and I am seeing that this type of attitude cannot continue.

I have also seen that in some ways my focus is not where it should have been. It is easy to lose focus or focus on the less important things, and miss what is truly important and what needs our attention.

I have been reminded this year, that I have limited time to impact others. I have had to ask myself what I am doing with this time I have remaining? This thought has helped me re-evaluate and refocus on what I really need to spend time on.

This year has reminded me how important family and friends really are. The love, care, and support we give to one another cannot be understated. It is something that many times we take for granted, and something that we often let small, and many times "stupid" things get in the way of, but showing each other this love and support is so very important.

I also have been reminded how petty and small so many offenses are. We get worked up over things that really are not important, and instead of forgiveness, we carry anger, hurt, and even bitterness, and allow it to separate us from those we love. With such limited time on earth, we really do not have time for this.

This list represents just some of the things I have learned this year, and as hard as it is to admit this, I am not sure I would have seen them without my most recent health challenge. This diagnosis has shown or reminded me of things I needed to see. Don’t get me wrong, I hate this disease, but some things in me have changed as a result of this illness.

I am not, and probably will not ever be, thankful for Parkinson’s Disease, but I am thankful for what it has shown me and reminded me of. For through these reminders, I am once again seeing what truly is important. So, as I said above, I am not thankful for Parkinson’s, but I am thankful for the things I have been reminded of this year, and I am thankful for the new perspective it has given me in so many areas. I pray that each of us, in spite of our challenges, can find things to give thanks for. We really are truly blessed. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, things were tough for me, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,i recommended this to anyone who needs there help.


"Let It Go" - Why Are You Holding On To That

“Let it go.” – Frozen (every parent’s favorite movie)